Transform How You Think and Feel about Money with Sacred Money Archetypes

How much have you really thought about your relationship with money? 

Have you considered how your connection with it is woven into all aspects of life? 

Finances and relationships. Money and home life. Career and money. Self-image, enoughness, and income. The list goes on! Money -and you relate to it- is everywhere, even in archetypes.

An archetype is a universally recognized symbol (like a character, theme or setting) of a shared experience within a culture, or as Carl Jung argued, within the collective unconscious. Archetypes are tools we can use to help us identify our stories, beliefs, motivations and perspectives about how we maneuver through life. The Healer, The Teacher, The Artist, The Yogi -these are archetypes. Which one resonates with you? 

There’s also The Maverick, The Connector and The Nurturer. Have you heard of them? These archetypes are specific: they are three of the eight Sacred Money Archetypes

Sacred Money Archetypes help you in...

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Building your Empire: 3 Strategies for Success

entrepreneur investment Sep 01, 2020

Do you have an internal calling for more?

Do you want to create an impact and make a difference in the world?

Right now, there is a rising number of female entrepreneurs. Women are stepping forward to take charge, eager to make their dreams come true, support their families, and achieve financial freedom. Are you birthing a new business or nurturing fulfilling entrepreneurship, too?


As you build your empire, here are three success strategies to support your insight.


  1. Master your Mindset

Mastering your mindset is key to mastering business. Here’s how mindset works: what you think creates feelings. Then, these feelings direct the actions you take and therefore the results you achieve.

We know that to grow, we need to be challenged, so think of business as a vehicle for growth. Challenges will arrive and when they do, your mindset will determine if you move forward or give up. 

Attitude is key to mindset. At first, there’s a real excitement as you bring...

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Inspiring Love and Abundance as an Entrepreneur

abundance entrepreneur Aug 04, 2020

How much love and abundance can you allow to flow in your life?


What are things you do to sabotage yourself when you have reached your upper limit of love, wealth, physical fitness?


These are two powerful questions that allow you to go within on a deeper level. Perhaps you have reached certain levels of success and inside you know you are meant for more. Upon reflection of the question, what are things you do that sabotage your self that prevent you from achieving the growth or heights of success that you truly desire?


Let’s talk about the growing entrepreneur who is forever being challenged to grow and stretch continuously outside their comfort zones.

Growing an online business asks you to create videos, talk intelligently to an audience you don’t know all too well, it asks that you take time to tap into your creative center allowing words to flow from an internal source. Words that have meaning, emotions that may speak to another's soul. To...

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The Pursuit of Money

Being an entrepreneur is not easy, it’s not always sexy, you invest so much time, energy, and money into something you hope would grow into a success.

You're passionate and you believe you have what it takes to make your dream come true, your faith and optimism guide you in moving forward.

As a female entrepreneur, I understand as I too have experienced challenges and heartbreak. I have questioned several times during my 2 years about my decision to leave a secure career at the bank. 


Being an entrepreneur has taught me so much about myself.

As a yoga student and teacher for many years, I have learned many great skills to manage through my fears and maintain healthy mental wellness. Self-care is so important and taking time to rest is imperative. 

Prior to COVID I arrived home from a 14 day holiday ready to go to work. I had booked two weeks of client meetings and was ready to host a workshop.

When COVID hit, I retreated.

The emotions of the world were so...

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