Building your Empire: 3 Strategies for Success

entrepreneur investment Sep 01, 2020

Do you have an internal calling for more?

Do you want to create an impact and make a difference in the world?

Right now, there is a rising number of female entrepreneurs. Women are stepping forward to take charge, eager to make their dreams come true, support their families, and achieve financial freedom. Are you birthing a new business or nurturing fulfilling entrepreneurship, too?


As you build your empire, here are three success strategies to support your insight.


  1. Master your Mindset

Mastering your mindset is key to mastering business. Here’s how mindset works: what you think creates feelings. Then, these feelings direct the actions you take and therefore the results you achieve.

We know that to grow, we need to be challenged, so think of business as a vehicle for growth. Challenges will arrive and when they do, your mindset will determine if you move forward or give up. 

Attitude is key to mindset. At first, there’s a real excitement as you bring your services to the marketplace. There’s so much possibility for impacting others! But as challenges arise, positive attitude and motivation can begin to fade as you are asked to step outside of your comfort zone. You learn quickly that friends and family are not your clients, and you discover who does want to buy from you. Entrepreneurship can be lonely; it will test your self-esteem when no one likes your post on social media, when people unsubscribe from your newsletter, and when you have to look closer at what you charge for your services.

The list of challenges can go on and on, but what matters is that you do not let them impact you. 

Know that these challenges are normal aspects of being in business. Move forward by recognizing there is an ebb and flow here. The path to success is paved with failures, but it’s okay because that’s how we learn.

In business, you are your most valuable asset. So take care of yourself and your internal state. Accept the challenges for what they are, surround yourself with an ecosystem of supportive women, and hire a coach if you need more support and direction. Make sure to celebrate your wins and anchor into moments of positivity (no matter how small) so you can expand further.

Use a positive mindset to step forward with the heart of a warrior, to get clear on your plan, and to take consistent action on that plan. Mastering your mindset will increase your chances of succeeding and growing in your business.


  1. Master your Money

Just like mastering your mindset is key in business, so is mastering your beliefs, emotions, and behaviour patterns around money.

Most of us know money as a physical currency or exchange for goods and services, but money is emotional, too. We all have an emotional relationship with money. For many, that relationship is filled with struggle, conflict, stress, and unhappiness. What emotions can you use to describe your relationship with money?

Also, the fluctuating income of an entrepreneur can be an emotional rollercoaster. We all want financial freedom, but when it comes to business, our relationship with money has a lot to teach us about how free we really are.

To level-out shifting emotions, give your money positive attention and respect.

One way to do this is to align your money with what matters to you. That means investing in things that are important to you and to the growth of your business.

Another strategy is to give your money story attention. Your money story began early in life: it’s the financial beliefs and attitudes you grew up with, how your parents were with money, and what negative money experiences stuck with you. Ask yourself these questions: Do your money beliefs, emotions, and patterns support you? Are you willing to change any unsupportive ones? Taking responsibility for your money story is key to giving your money positive attention.

When you bring more awareness to your relationship with money, you come closer to mastering your emotions around it, and that creates abundance and success in your business, too.


  1. Master Yourself

Mastering yourself is about knowing who you are, your value, and your worth.

Are you enough? Building an empire is no small task: do you have what it takes? Personally, I had no idea that moving into entrepreneurship would reveal core beliefs and feelings I had of not being enough.

In the past, I told lies about money. Even when I had money, I would feel there was never enough (and I said exactly that all the time). When I looked at my bank account, I judged and criticized myself. I’d beat myself up over past money mistakes. I’d feel anxiety had control issues around money. Digging into my money story revealed underlying beliefs that I was not enough. But this was a big misunderstanding that I had internalized from my childhood and that was imprinted in me at a subconscious level. Ultimately, I discovered that I did not value who I was or the gifts I had to offer to the world. I knew I wanted a healthy happy relationship with money and realized I had some work to do. Perhaps some of this resonates with you.

Going to work to master me, to know and believe in my gifts and strengths, aligned me with my more authentic and empowered self. Doing this work helped me change my perception and transform my life.

You can do this, too. As an entrepreneur, it’s important to take the time to know yourself. If you are always evolving, learning, and growing, it’s because that is a part of your soul's purpose. While you expand, know that your rate of evolution will increase the more you support you and the more you value your enlightened net worth.


Tips for consider when growing your business;

Learn how to delegate, letting go of tasks that drain your energy.

Learn to get comfortable with money conversations as this can be a big challenge when asking for fees and setting smart money boundaries upfront.



Growing into an enlightened, empowered, aligned woman leads you to a path of freedom on all levels. Remember, it does not matter if you fail or succeed: what matters is whether or not you grow.

As you build your empire, a business that is authentic, aligned with your values, and positively impacts the world, consider the value of investing in the mastery of your mindset, your money mindset, and yourself.


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